I am so thrilled to announce a partnership with my dear friend and colleague Vanessa Sadler of Abiding in Story to host a Virtual Story Group this summer:

If you have ever wondered about "Story Work," what it is and where to start, this group is for you! Story Work is about understanding yourself and your way of being in the world.
Vanessa put together a Story Series for Instagram that introduced some of the elements: Story Work is....
Naming places where we have been unseen, harmed, hurt, used or confused in our childhood and formative years. Story Work usually is looking at stories from ages 4-18.
Staying "close to the dirt", using our bodily senses to connect to the emotions and experience of our stories. When we experience something traumatic, the language part of our brain goes off line and all we have are our senses. When we we don't have words, our bodies still remember.
Uncovering the specific messages we have internalized about ourselves as a result of our childhood experiences. Often times these are lies that almost sound like truth and they keep up in cycles of shame, unhealthy behaviors and styles of relating and prevent us from living fully in our lives.
Reclaiming the truest and richest parts of ourselves that have been hijacked by our trauma. It is about redeeming our stories and seeing ourselves in the greater narrative of God's restoration and redemption.
Over 10 weeks we will have weekly teaching on the nature of story, how to engage story, the impact of your family of origin, your attachment styles, and so much more.
The group is limited to 8 participants to maintain an intimate small group experience. When you sign up you also get a 10-week digital workbook to guide you through the material and help you discover the specifics of your unique story.
You can apply to participate HERE.